At long last, our shop page is formatted properly and seeing a range of work is possible on both mobile and desktop devices. Please take a look, and feel free to make suggestions! Chris is painting steadily every day and more work will be added as completed. He’s just retrieved one of his latest oils, “Invocation of Cthulu”, from Gallery X in New Bedford’s recent aquatically-themed show. It’s got Chris’s trademark tiny, intricately worked fantastical figures and is a rich vision of purples and green ocean. Up soon!
We’re looking forward to a trip to Brooklyn, NYC Thursday to attend the opening of Chris’s old friend Taj Campman’s first solo show at Split Level Gallery. Congratulation, Taj! It’ll be great to check out all the other galleries in the DUMBO (Down Under Manhattan Bridge Organization) district, too.
Cheers, and have a creative day!